Ideally I would like to try and get it replaced through apple but my warranty is expired. Now that I have followed all the steps I have seen sofar for what to do just after smart fails, I am at the point where I need to deiced how i am going to go about replacing the hard drive. I have run the diagnostics and did not find any other problems that could explain this, not that I was expecting any since smart is specific to the hard drive. I have already backed up the mac partition through time machine and copied anything that I want to keep from my windows partition. I have my laptop dual booted with windows.

My computer type is a late 2013 macbook pro with the 1tb ssd. Then the system will launch from that device every time.Today I discovered to my dismay that my hard drive is now failing on the S.m.a.r.t status. unless you keep the boot media in the USB port. That won't be a problem since the BIOS will move to the next device in the boot sequence. In the future, your computer will first check the USB port for boot media when starting up. If you do nothing, your computer will go to the next device in the boot sequence list, which will likely be your hard drive.

Otherwise, the computer will load from the hard drive as standard. If you're booting from USB media, you must change the BIOS boot order so the USB device is listed first. The boot order tells the machine which devices to search for the software needed to launch the computer and the priority of each device in that search. That's because the BIOS settings include the machine's boot sequence when starting up. Starting your PC using USB rescue media is not difficult, although it first requires an adjustment in the BIOS (Basic Input Output System).